Nunya lying and harassing once again.
(too old to reply)
2005-01-05 18:31:26 UTC
NunyaKnowMe [12:14 P.M.]: You really are a sick person. You should get help
for yourself before you hurt someone!! You scare me. Stay out of my e-mails
with your threats. AOL has been notified.
NunyaKnowMe is away at 12:14 P.M.
NunyaKnowMe signed off at 12:15 P.M.
MisingMyLilAngel [12:15 P.M.]: You E-mailed me
MisingMyLilAngel [12:16 P.M.]: or one of your personallities did
NunyaKnowMe [12:16 P.M.]: stop trying to get trolls after me too. LOL
MisingMyLilAngel [12:16 P.M.]: Funny
NunyaKnowMe [12:16 P.M.]: you're sick you need help!
MisingMyLilAngel [12:16 P.M.]: I don't Know any but you and your friends
NunyaKnowMe [12:16 P.M.]: whassa matter you finally realize everyone knows
you're insane???
MisingMyLilAngel [12:16 P.M.]: you're the sick one
MisingMyLilAngel [12:16 P.M.]: go away
MisingMyLilAngel [12:17 P.M.]: nope, you are
NunyaKnowMe [12:17 P.M.]: bahahaha and you begged Cher to get her troll
friends after me. See I know everything.
NunyaKnowMe [12:17 P.M.]: and nobody fears me, they just agree with me that
you're insane and in need of help ..... oh and a murderer too!!!
MisingMyLilAngel [12:17 P.M.]: Did she tell you that?
NunyaKnowMe [12:18 P.M.]: whassa matter???
NunyaKnowMe [12:18 P.M.]: truth hit you hard this time
MisingMyLilAngel [12:18 P.M.]: no truth
NunyaKnowMe [12:18 P.M.]: you should see what people say about you in e-mail
MisingMyLilAngel [12:18 P.M.]: I'M not a murderer
NunyaKnowMe [12:18 P.M.]: you'd be amazed what e-mail loops think of you.
MisingMyLilAngel [12:18 P.M.]: no e-mail loops either
NunyaKnowMe [12:18 P.M.]: lol
NunyaKnowMe [12:19 P.M.]: keep telling yourself that. maybe you can even
convince yourself.
NunyaKnowMe [12:19 P.M.]: nobody else believes any of you lies.
MisingMyLilAngel [12:19 P.M.]: your not you
MisingMyLilAngel [12:19 P.M.]: dumb freak
NunyaKnowMe [12:19 P.M.]: your stories have more holes than imported swiss
MisingMyLilAngel [12:19 P.M.]: you wish
MisingMyLilAngel [12:19 P.M.]: leave me alone
NunyaKnowMe [12:19 P.M.]: hahahaah you are sooooo funny!
NunyaKnowMe [12:19 P.M.]: NOT
NunyaKnowMe [12:19 P.M.]: leave me alone
NunyaKnowMe [12:20 P.M.]: stop filling my e-mail with your trash
NunyaKnowMe [12:20 P.M.]: and lies
NunyaKnowMe [12:20 P.M.]: eveyone sees what you are now.
MisingMyLilAngel [12:20 P.M.]: you e-mailed me
MisingMyLilAngel [12:20 P.M.]: freak
NunyaKnowMe [12:20 P.M.]: I've won. you lost
NunyaKnowMe [12:20 P.M.]: you've been exposed
MisingMyLilAngel [12:20 P.M.]: thought i was vblocked
NunyaKnowMe [12:20 P.M.]: liar liar pants on fire
MisingMyLilAngel [12:20 P.M.]: exsposed?
NunyaKnowMe [12:20 P.M.]: just proving a point.
NunyaKnowMe [12:20 P.M.]: you
NunyaKnowMe [12:20 P.M.]: you harass me
MisingMyLilAngel [12:20 P.M.]: in your dreams
MisingMyLilAngel [12:20 P.M.]: you're the harasser
NunyaKnowMe [12:20 P.M.]: i unblock my e-mail for 1 hour and you fill it with
your lies and trash
NunyaKnowMe [12:21 P.M.]: liar liari
NunyaKnowMe [12:21 P.M.]: murderer
NunyaKnowMe [12:21 P.M.]: lunatic
NunyaKnowMe [12:21 P.M.]: lol
NunyaKnowMe [12:21 P.M.]: you failed not one but 2 drug tests
NunyaKnowMe [12:21 P.M.]: i've never had the need for a drug test
NunyaKnowMe [12:21 P.M.]: would pass one if i did. i don't do drugs
MisingMyLilAngel [12:22 P.M.]: stop harassing and stalking me
NunyaKnowMe [12:22 P.M.]: stop talking to yourself and mimicking me
NunyaKnowMe [12:23 P.M.]: you're like a myna bird. you copy everything
people say to you not an original thought running thru that swiss cheese you
try to pass off as a brain.
MisingMyLilAngel [12:27 P.M.]: i do not copy any thing people say, that would
be you
Auto response from NunyaKnowMe [12:27 P.M.]: Stop stalking and harassing me
MisingMyLilAngel [12:28 P.M.]: gatorgal, that was chers thought, not yours
Auto response from NunyaKnowMe [12:28 P.M.]: Stop stalking and harassing me
NunyaKnowMe [12:28 P.M.]: no GatorC8N^ was Cher's
NunyaKnowMe [12:28 P.M.]: stupid!
MisingMyLilAngel [12:28 P.M.]: so, you used it also
MisingMyLilAngel [12:29 P.M.]: get your own words
NunyaKnowMe [12:29 P.M.]: you should see some of the things you're called.
2005-01-18 22:25:05 UTC
MisingMyLilAngel [12:28 P.M.]: so, you used it also
MisingMyLilAngel [12:29 P.M.]: get your own words
NunyaKnowMe [12:29 P.M.]: you should see some of the things you're called.

You continued to stay in IM with nunya, you're wrong, you didn't block Nunya,
you're wrong, why are you posting this silly shit here? No one wants you here
and I am going to ignore you from here on in, I hope everyone will do the same
or I am not posting here anymore, I'm sick of this raggedy assed loser and her
whining, she is the one who invites it and when she gets IM's she enjoys it so
whats her damn point?

2005-01-19 00:52:17 UTC
You continued to stay in IM with nunya, you're wrong, you didn't block Nunya,
you're wrong, why are you posting this silly shit here? No one wants you here
and I am going to ignore you from here on in, I hope everyone will do the same
or I am not posting here anymore, I'm sick of this raggedy assed loser and her
whining, she is the one who invites it and when she gets IM's she enjoys it so
whats her damn point?


A break from her "hum-drum" RUBBER-ROOM environment????
2005-01-19 01:13:15 UTC
A break from her "hum-drum" RUBBER-ROOM environment????

She's just a pain in the ass Troll, nothing more and she is really getting on
my nerves. She loves all this crap and she keeps this toll going and going and
going, she needs a good kick in her rickety ass.

2005-01-19 02:00:21 UTC
She's just a pain in the ass Troll, nothing more and she is really getting on
my nerves. She loves all this crap and she keeps this toll going and going and
going, she needs a good kick in her rickety ass.


LOL...Well, we took care of one skanky, lying, ass, so I think we can take care
of her, too. hehehe

2005-01-19 02:36:06 UTC
She's just a pain in the ass Troll, nothing more and she is really getting on
my nerves. She loves all this crap and she keeps this toll going and going and
going, she needs a good kick in her rickety ass.


LOL...Well, we took care of one skanky, lying, ass, so I think we can take care
of her, too. hehehe


I think it's been proven by many just what a big liar she is, she's pathetic.
How sad to scan the newpapers looking for someone else's tragedy to use for
your own sick agenda. She's been proven just how desperate she is for
attention. Must be a very sad lonely existance, because she isn't living a

"Beware of flying phones"
2005-01-19 17:29:24 UTC
LOL...Well, we took care of one skanky, lying, ass, so I think we can take care
of her, too. hehehe

Who?? Who did you take care of, NKY??
It's so sad listening to you. LOL!! It has got to be a pitiful existence to
rely on a broken down newsgroup board for excitement in your life!
2005-01-22 21:30:16 UTC
LOL...Well, we took care of one skanky, lying, ass, so I think we can take care
of her, too. hehehe


Oh, isn't that nice?! You're taking care of skanky lying asses. I always knew
you'd make a great health care provider!!

2005-01-19 03:00:37 UTC
When I read FlaTROLL's posts all I hear is "cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo".

"Beware of flying phones"