LOL...Yep! He has been a whooped pup, since he was exposed. Kinda like Annie
when she got outed. hehehe
Still trying, eh?? ROFLMAO!!! Sorry, but you are OVER.
I'm STILL here, but I'm tired of kicking your tail. It was fun when you used
to flail, but when you wouldn't move, it ceased to be entertaining. Do
yourself a favor.... forget about the a$$ cutting I administered to you.
You'll heal better that way!<bm
HAHAHA!!! I must have beaten his sorry ass more than I thought. He is so
delusional. By the way, I celebrated MLK day by "NOT WORKING"...hehehe I always
thought is was ridiculous to have a holiday for that commie lovin', racist,
whore dog. Especially a national holiday, where you get off work. Isn't that
hilarious! What do those blacks get a day off from? HAHAHA! There is growing
support to rename the day, "Civil Rights Day." After all they dropped
Washington, and Lincoln's Birthdays, anf made it Presidents Day. Hell, MLK
isn't worthy to lick the sweat off their balls......hehehe